View Service Details
This section explains how to view the service details.
Application Management for Cluster Federation should have been installed and enabled.
You should join a multi-cluster project and have the Federated Project Viewing permission within the project.
Log in to the KubeSphere web console with a user who has the Federated Project Viewing permission, and access your multi-cluster project.
Click Application Workloads > Services in the left navigation pane.
Click the name of a service in the list to open its details page.
On the service details page, view the service’s resource attributes in the Attributes area on the left.
Parameter Description Project
The project to which the service belongs.
The internal access mode for the service.
Headless: The system does not assign a virtual IP address to the service. It can be accessed internally by using the format
<service name>.<project name>.svc.cluster.local
or<service name>.<project name>
.VirtualIP: The system assigns a virtual IP address to the service for internal access within the cluster. It also supports access internally by using the format
<service name>.<project name>.svc.cluster.local
or<service name>.<project name>
.ExternalName: The service routes business traffic to other services outside the cluster. The system does not assign a virtual IP address to the service, and it can be accessed internally by using the format
<service name>.<project name>.svc.cluster.local
The name of the app to which the service belongs. You can create an app that includes multiple services, each corresponding to a workload.
Creation Time
The creation time of the service.
Update Time
The last update time of the service.
The user who created the service.
On the service details page, view the number of pod replicas and pods for the service in the Resource Status tab on the right.
Parameter Description Pod Replicas
The number of pod replicas for each cluster.
All pods running in the service. Expand the dropdown to view pod information for specific clusters.
to view information about the containers running in the pod.
Click the name of the pod to view container details.
Enter keywords in the search box above the pod list to search for pods whose names contain specific keywords.
in the upper-right corner of the pod list to refresh the information.
On the service details page, view the service’s access information in the Access Information tab on the right.
Parameter Description Internal Domain Name
The service can be accessed from within the cluster using a domain name in the format <service name>.<project name>.svc.
Virtual IP Address
The virtual IP address for internal access within the cluster.
To ensure that containers can be accessed normally, KubeSphere defines the following port types:
Container Port: The port on which the application in the container is listening, only accessible within the pod.
Service Port: The port of the service’s virtual IP address, only accessible within the cluster, and requests sent to the service port will be forwarded to the container port.
Node Port: The port on the node host, accessible from outside the cluster, and requests sent to the node port will be forwarded to the service port. NodePort or LoadBalancer type services have node ports.
On the service details page, click the Metadata tab on the right to view the service’s labels and annotations.
On the service details page, click the Events tab on the right to view events related to the service.
Parameter Description Type
The type of the event, including Normal and Warning.
The reason for the event.
The time when the event occurred.
The component that reported the event.
The content of the event message.
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