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Configure WeCom Notification Message Template

  1. Log in to the cluster node and create a markdown template.

    vi <template-name>

    Content as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
      template: |
        {{- define "nm.default.markdown.test" }}
        {{- range .Alerts }}
        {{- $rawStatus := .Status }}
        {{- if eq $rawStatus "firing" }}
        ### <font color="yellow">{{ template "nm.default.message" . }}</font>
        {{- else }}
        ### <font color="green">{{ template "nm.default.message" . }}</font>
        {{- end }}
        {{- range .Labels.SortedPairs }}
        {{- if eq .Name "severity" }}
        {{- $color := "" }}
        {{- if eq .Value "critical" }}
        {{- $color = "red" }}
        {{- else if eq .Value "error" }}
        {{- $color = "orange" }}
        {{- else if eq .Value "warning" }}
        {{- $color = "yellow" }}
        {{- else if eq .Value "info" }}
        {{- $color = "blue" }}
        {{- end }}
        > <font color="{{$color}}">**{{ .Name | translate }}:  {{ .Value }}**</font>
        {{- else }}
        > **{{ .Name | translate }}**:  {{ .Value }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
        {{ range .Annotations.SortedPairs.Filter "runbook_url" "message" "summary" "summary_cn" }}
        > **{{ .Name | translate }}**:  {{ .Value }}
        {{- end }}
        {{ end }}
        {{- end }}
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: notification-manager-template-test
      namespace: kubesphere-monitoring-system
  2. Run the following command to create a ConfigMap named notification-manager-template-test.

    kubectl apply -f <template-name>
  3. Configure WeCom in the Notification Channels or User Notification Settings to receive notification messages in WeCom sessions or WeCom groups.

  4. View the WeChat receiver.

    kubectl -n kubesphere-monitoring-system get receiver
    • Receivers starting with global, such as global-wechat-receiver, are globally configured WeChat receivers.

    • Receivers starting with the username, such as admin-wechat-receiver, are tenant-level configured WeChat receivers.

  5. Edit the corresponding WeChat receiver to use the markdown template in the notification message.

    kubectl -n kubesphere-monitoring-system edit receiver <wechat-receiver-name>
        enabled: true
        template: nm.default.markdown.test
          name: notification-manager-template-test
          namespace: kubesphere-monitoring-system
        tmplType: markdown

    WeCom notification messages will display using this markdown template.

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