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Published on:2022-08-10    The number of views:

Welcome New KubeSphere Contributors! Your Exclusive Certificate Is Ready!

KubeSphere was open sourced in 2018. Thanks to contributions from nearly 300 contributors, KubeSphere has more than 10 releases in four years, with over 10,000 GitHub stars and millions of downloads.

To extend our gratitude to KubeSphere Contributors and encourage more people to get involved with KubeSphere, the KubeSphere community has made Contributor Certificates. Today, we are happy to announce that 101 new KubeSphere Contributors have won the certificates.

About the Certificate

KubeSphere Contributor is awarded to people who have met any of the following criteria:

  • Contributed code to any KubeSphere repository, including but not limited to projects, documentation, and websites;
  • Shared high-quality technical blog posts on KubeSphere official channels.

Obtaining the Certificate

GitHub ID or NameCertificate
2hangchenView and download the certificate
akingView and download the certificate
ArhellView and download the certificate
Bennu-LiView and download the certificate
besscroftView and download the certificate
brandan-schmitzView and download the certificate
Ccnc-kView and download the certificate
chaunceyjiangView and download the certificate
chengleqiView and download the certificate
ciiiiiView and download the certificate
ComradeProgrammerView and download the certificate
cqiang1993View and download the certificate
ctroughtView and download the certificate
deveshk0View and download the certificate
doudouzhView and download the certificate
east4mingView and download the certificate
EliChen95View and download the certificate
eltociearView and download the certificate
FatpaView and download the certificate
frankgrecoView and download the certificate
frezesView and download the certificate
Frost713View and download the certificate
gaffeyQiuView and download the certificate
GerrylinuxView and download the certificate
gmarkeyView and download the certificate
HansyangxingxiangView and download the certificate
hellocn9View and download the certificate
hostalpView and download the certificate
ifgaoView and download the certificate
iNinekuView and download the certificate
itbacView and download the certificate
jerry-jibuView and download the certificate
JetSquirrelView and download the certificate
jim3maView and download the certificate
karnatisrinivasView and download the certificate
kethavathsivanaikView and download the certificate
larryliuqingView and download the certificate
Lei XueView and download the certificate
LeonDevLifeLogView and download the certificate
leonharetdView and download the certificate
life-View and download the certificate
lining2020xView and download the certificate
lixdView and download the certificate
lvillisView and download the certificate
lvwkptView and download the certificate
lynxcatView and download the certificate
majingheView and download the certificate
mgw2168View and download the certificate
milasuperstarView and download the certificate
mzmuerView and download the certificate
najib-houcineView and download the certificate
nioshieldView and download the certificate
nlamiraultView and download the certificate
nuclearwuView and download the certificate
oldthreefengView and download the certificate
ONE7liveView and download the certificate
panzhen6668View and download the certificate
pavo976View and download the certificate
perfifferView and download the certificate
peter-svenssonView and download the certificate
polymView and download the certificate
PoorungaView and download the certificate
PrajwalBorkarView and download the certificate
qingwaveView and download the certificate
qiuchudongView and download the certificate
qiuming520View and download the certificate
qmhuView and download the certificate
renyunkangView and download the certificate
rramadoss4View and download the certificate
Santosh1176View and download the certificate
scwang18View and download the certificate
showjasonView and download the certificate
SinTodView and download the certificate
sivanaikkView and download the certificate
songf0011View and download the certificate
specialvanView and download the certificate
suchen-sciView and download the certificate
suwliang3View and download the certificate
tal66View and download the certificate
tanguofuView and download the certificate
TheApeMachineView and download the certificate
TOKdawnView and download the certificate
tpiperatgodView and download the certificate
tracer1023View and download the certificate
usernameisnullView and download the certificate
wangxiaoyang-devView and download the certificate
Wenlong XueView and download the certificate
xiaoming688View and download the certificate
xiaoping378View and download the certificate
yangkaaView and download the certificate
Yanying ZhangView and download the certificate
yeya24View and download the certificate
yinheliView and download the certificate
yjqg6666View and download the certificate
Yuanchang XieView and download the certificate
Yufu NiuView and download the certificate
yuzhiquanView and download the certificate
zaunistView and download the certificate
ZengIanView and download the certificate
zhaohuiweixiaoView and download the certificate
zhou1203View and download the certificate

Most certificates use IDs imported from GitHub repositories. However, if you would like your real name on the certificate, please email info@kubesphere.io.

The contributors are listed in random order.

If you have made contributions, but did not see your name on the list, feel free to email info@kubesphere.io. We will grant you a certificate once confirmed.

View the first list of contributors at https://kubesphere.io/zh/news/kubesphere-certificates/. View the second list of contributors at https://kubesphere.io/zh/news/kubesphere-contributor-certificates/.


The KubeSphere community would like to express its gratitude to both new and previous KubeSphere Contributors. It is YOU who help us build a thriving community.

Look Ahead

Your contributions do not have to be exclusive to code. Localization, internationalization, technology evangelism, and other contributions are also welcome. Come and join the KubeSphere community, and let’s reshape the way we use Kubernetes together.


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